- Data overload from #socialmedia Check out @visible_tech CTO’s advise on harnessing social data in @infomgmt http://ow.ly/1LhOh #BI #
- First question failures on Millionaire: This would be my worst nightmare. http://bit.ly/dd78TS #
- Great post by SF's Catcher Bengie Molina on poor journalism by #ESPN and (implied) East Coast bias. http://bit.ly/cOFHU7 #
- #Griffey sitting vs. 2 straight righties. Hmm… #
- Gotta love #Mariners baseball at 9:35 AM. #WestCoastRocks #
- Marion Jones's #WNBA debut: 11 mins, 4 points, 3 reb, 2 steals. I'm intrigued by her 7/25 matchup vs. #Seattle Storm #
- RT @PeteCarroll: he's very talented and we're really excited about his addition to the team @samfetchero how has Whitehurst looked so far? #
- Knew I wasn't crazy doubting @SteveDavis90 's call of Brian McBride on the US 23-man roster. #WC2010 #
- There’s always free cheese in a mousetrap. #
- Not only did Ken Griffey Jr. miss a PH chance due a nap, but he also slept through half his ABs. Batting .208. http://bit.ly/bPJGpk #
- The countdown begins. RT @TheBigMoney: #Foursquare is doomed with or without #Facebook as a rival. http://bit.ly/cosiDt #
- RT @cshea4: The new standard for diversity: Sure, the last 3 #SCOTUS nominees are Princeton grads. But *all were in different eating clubs.* #
- Thomas Paine was crapulous. http://www.pacificnorthwestcoastbias.com/ #