Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-05

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  • Sorry, but the NFL Lockout is more exciting than the French Open. #
  • Love the #Mariners line: 7 runs on 4 hits. Unfortunately, this is not sustainable. #
  • In the 40s, OSU was called the "graveyard of coaches." Still true today: Hayes, Bruce, Cooper, Tressel all chased out of town #
  • Dirk gives me hope. #
  • Just watched the Biggest Loser finale… while finishing off a bag of chips. #
  • Tried to hit Russian Rivery Brewery, but it was packed. No Pliney The Elder today. #SantaRosa #
  • Now that #Tressel officially left Ohio State, he can trade his awards for some sweet tattoos! #
  • Prepping for a 2012 Senate run? #Tressel #
  • I'm just going to put this out there. I think #Tressel #039;s choice was to quit or vacate the 2010 season. Loyal through and through. #
  • Need a moment to compose myself. #Tressel @jamesmurph #
  • In Napa, hyper-decanting, using a blender. #
  • Just tasted someone's balsamic vinegar dowry. #napa #
  • Waited 45 minutes at Bouchon Bakery… Thomas Keller was not inside. Epi Baguettes were though. #
  • 7 words I thought I'd never say; "Ms go for sweep of Yanks today." #poetic #
  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-29: Typical Figgins night: 0-4, 2 strikeouts. Now batting .198 # I can handle… #

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