Fantasy World Cup is quite fun. I played for the first time in 2006 and found it helped me follow the games that I didn’t care too much about (similar to baseball and football). Who knew I would be screaming for Podolski in a the 3rd game for the Germans.
I have set up 2 fantasy leagues for readers of my blog – a hardcore, salary cap game sponsored by FIFA, and the less-intense Yahoo pick-em game.
FIFA Salary cap game: go to and sign up for an account. Pick your team, then join my league: 397875-94141 .
Yahoo pick-em: Go to and click on World Cup 2010. Create a set of picks, and then join my group: ID# 22281 password: pnw . Note – you just have to pick the wins/ties. You don’t have to predict the score (seems futile to me).
If you can’t figure out how to join, leave a comment here and I’ll email you.
Follow all my World Cup statistical analysis here.